The increased fertilizers and pesticides used in the gardening and agriculture field forces one to think about the consequences of what is going inside their stomach. To avoid this situation, nowadays, many people are shifting to organic gardening in their backyard.
One who loves nature and cares for that small garden in your backyard, the protection and healthy growth seems crucial to them. Nothing beats the taste of the cute little fresh tomato grown in your garden. The factors like high-quality, 100% pure vegetables, and delicious taste convince one to do so, but for some people planning the whole process, planting, digging, and pulling weeds can be a wholesome task to do. But this post got it all covered if you want to know more about potager facile.
A Step-by-step Guide for growing vegetables in your mini-garden –
Growing a garden is not just about planting and waiting for vegetables to just pop-up. The utmost care like watering and ensuring sunlight, soil quality, and proper research are necessary factors to grow your plants successfully. Here are Top things that you need to take care of while gardening.
- Location of cultivation- The place where you decide to grow your mini-garden is crucial to remember. One is advised to choose where sunlight is appropriate.
- Start Gradually- Once you decide you want to have a mini-garden opt for a small cultivation area. One can later enlarge it according to the requirements.
- Decide plant combos – Keeping plants that support each other while growing is the best thing to consider. Put up with the idea of crop rotation according to the season. Also, remember to not put the same crop in the same place for many years.
- Pick easy vegetables at the start- To start, one can choose easy vegetables like carrots, tomato, lettuce that require less care and sufficient watering. So, good food and good growth together!
- Preparation of Soil- Preparing the soil is a crucial task to do. So, don’t forget to spread manure and compost before planting.
In addition to this, one should prepare the vegetable garden in squares. The grid combination will boost growth and ensure greater yield in much-confined space. One can plan the potager facile now in an economical way by just thinking of quantity and crop type. So, enjoy whatever is on your plate because it is nutritious and tasty.